Initial Brief Ideas

Lampshade designs
* Create a set of four lamps (table, ceiling, wall and floor) or two ceiling two table lamps, with the same theme, based on typography.
* Use paper cutting as the illustration method.
* Create each lampshade as an actual lampshade that can be used – to appropriate health and safety measures.
* Use professional materials and methods of production.
* Use white/yellow/cream/neutral colour scheme.
*3 weeks timescale.

Porcelain Mug set
* Create a set of 6 mugs based on themes of tea and its associations using typography.
* One theme must be used throughout all six designs.
* Experiment with font choice to have a variety within the theme, but use a limited colour palette to retain a feeling of a set.
* 3 weeks timescale.

Guardian Illustration
* Use hand drawn, illustrated typography to illustrate an article from the weekend supplement.
* Short, 2/3 day timescale.
* CMYK colour palette.

ISTD – Red, Green, Blue (turn into a zine, aimed at zine audience)
* Focus on colour Green
* Name – appropriate title and masthead design
* Covers – front and back cover
* Spreads – four double page spreads
* Grid – fully detailed grid
* Advertisement – a full-page advertisement for the series should be presented, as it would appear in a double page spread in a publication that is appropriate for target audience.
* Consider stock, and use appropriate stock for audience.
* Use appropriate methods of creating for audience (cut and paste).
* 1 week timescale.

* Must include the words "the happy mag for kids"
* Artwork size should be 220mm x 260mm.
* Closing date for entries: 30th October 2009.
* Anything else up to my imagination!
* To enter, email my entry to cathy (AT) anorak-magazine (DOT) co (DOT) UK with subject line ANORAK COVER MISSION.
* NOT required to send hi-res material for entry.