Good and bad things in a crit:
Good Feedback
*Realistic (timing and methods)
*Progressive (don't say what has already been said)
Bad Feedback
*One word answers
*Nice (way of saying it's shit)
*Not reading the brief
*Lack of engagement
*Lack of enthusiasm
Good Organisation
*Sign up sheets
*Organised work in chronological order
*Self evaluation
*Not having every piece of work for whole brief
*Don't take work if you know the direction the brief is heading
*Common themes (having crits where typographers are critted with other typographers)
*Prepared Questions
*Looking at others blogs who are in your crit
Bad Organisation
*Ill prepared
*Vague questions
*Large crit group sizes (no more than 6)
*Who starts presenting in a crit??
*No access to blogs (macs)