Dissertation and Zines

I recently bought all three issues of No.Zine that i looked at for research for my zine brief, which also coincidentally helps me with my dissertation! They are so nicely designed by Patrick Fry and each issue is based on a specific number, with all content being related to that issues number. As they are only two colours (black and the colour of the specific issue) on white stock, i think they have a very professional, graphic impact yet as the cover stock is thin card and the inside pages are a generic paper stock it still has the feel of a zine. I think this is the kind of style that suits my personality best and is something i would like to reproduce that would be printed and I would be proud of it to be associated with me. I emailed Patrick to ask some questions about my dissertation and he asked me if i would be producing a small run of it in a zine format...this is something i wanted to do but as there are certain binding criteria for assessment i will do this in my own time, once it is completed, oh and he also asked if i would send him a copy of my dissertation in zine format once printed! You can see my post about No.Zine here.