Plan for briefs left to do...

Lampshades -

* Laser cut all designs and affix to appropriate paper.
* Photograph them as finished products (not to a safe retail standard as explained in this post here)
* Update blog with final designs and product photography shots.

Occasions -

* Complete a whole range of products to a professional standard, that focus on the words "Thank You" (card, bag, tag, wrapping paper and bow) using blind embossing and foiling. (to be handed in for the December deadline, i will develop my designs to include the required six designs/ranges using thank you as a starting point to make the designs more personal after Christmas before the deadline)
* Update blog with important key elements of designing process.
* Take photographs of final designs as a whole range, in context.

ISTD Zine -

* Find relevant text and articles for imagery of the Zines theme of maps.
* Look at more contextual research to inform ideas and designs
* Experiment with text layout and map imagery. Take screen shots of development and experimentation.
* Print out design onto different stocks and experiment with stock and format
* Print out final zine in mac suite.
* Update blog with photography of final product.

Fairy tale book -

* Experiment with layout of typography and fonts.
* Look at more contextual research to inform ideas and designs.
* Layout whole document to include all space for illustrations, thumbnails and drop caps.
* Experiment with illustrations in relation to chosen stories
* Show development of illustrations from initial ideas to final designs.
* Print out layouts on different stocks to see what works best.
* Finalise layouts, imagery and layout: print on final choice of stock and photograph in context.

Tea Towel Brief -
(finish this brief in a day!)

*Experiment with mixed media to generate imagery that can be used to complete a contemporary design that would be appropriate for and finish to a mocked up standard on the mac.
* Update blog on brief changes, development and final designs.