This is evaluation is just a way for me to see what I have done, what I need to do, how I'm going to do it and what I want out of my projects.
So far I feel as though I have taken on too many briefs and feel I am struggling to finish each brief to a high enough standard. Due to this I have decided to cut some of my less important briefs short, making the final deliverables less than first intended, such as the tea brief. I have done this as I would like to focus my attentions on my more important briefs. When I say important I mean the briefs that will give me some great, relevant pieces of work for my portfolio and briefs that I have really wanted to get stuck into as the content, method of production or final product is something I am really interested in. I have made plans of all the changes i will put in place to certain briefs and created a plan of action for the rest of my briefs in the run up to assessment.This should hopefully help with generating quality work and creative and relevant final products for my remaining briefs.